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Thursday, November 15, 2012

John's Scribe Post

Yesterday, in class we learned how to divide fractions multiple ways.

3 ways to write a fraction :

3 ways to solve a dividing fraction :


Here is a to help you understand it much better :

A link to learn even more :


  1. Good explanations. I liked how you explained the pictures, and the video was well explained. GOOD JOB! -Vina, Room: 8-17.

  2. I liked the picture sizes, and how you explained every step! And the video was good as well!

  3. I like how you made things easy to understand, also you had pictures, words and a video. Good Job!

  4. Great job John! I like how everything was neat and organized and easy for me to understand. Maybe next time you should explain what you did in the pictures. Like when you mentioned "reciprocal" you should have defined the word, so other people know what it means. Overall, good job!

  5. Nice post, John! I like how you explained this in a simple way for us to understand. I also like how you had pictures and there was colour. Great work!

  6. I like how your post is really neat and easy to understand! I also like how you made things easy to understand, and you have words, pictures, a video, and a link! Good Job!
